"Love this song."
The hangman comes and knock on my door
The hangman, I didn't think they hanged no more
She walked to kitchen and shouted back over shoulder, "Why do you love this song?" I waited for her to return. I'm not much of a shouter. "Why do I love this song? My son is teaching himself how to play it on the guitar." She sits down next to me. Maybe too close. Where is my wife? How long does it take to make salsa?
I do my best but it's hard for me to make small talk. Viv knows this, so during Book Club I hide in the garage, but Susan's early, so now I make with the small talk. "Yeah, will they play this on the radio a bunch. I don't listen to the radio, but because he's learning it I fired up Spotify to see what other songs are like it."
Susan leans in and put a hand on my chest briefly and withdraws laughing. "You're so cute. What a good dad."
Jackbooted, tear-eyed working for the man
Even the hangman trying to do the best he can
"I do the best I can."
"You and VIv, where did you meet?" This time its a hand on my knee. Are we on a sit-com? Does this happen in real life?
"We met outside of Cairo. She working with Doctors Without Borders. i was on a government contact. I was almost love as first sight. I annoyed her and she thought I was some kind dumb American, bumming my way around Egypt."
She put down her drink. I didn't think it was possible, but she slid closer.
It's never gonna' end you see
Government the government, got Citzen's United money
"When did you know that you loved her? I can smell perfume. What is that floral-citrus-soapy?
I lean and whisper in her ear. Close enough so she can feel my breath on her neck. "I was coming back from what I like to call the office, y'know leaving work, but there was an incident. And since I was on a contact, not even really supposed to be there, I had no where to turn.
I found my way to the apartment above the bar, where Viv was living." To make sure I have Susan attention, I take her hand off my knee and place it on my abdomen. I continue, " I didn't really find my way, I crawled my way up to her apartment and passed out on her balcony for a while." I press her hand firmly against me.
"This where she started digging to get the bullet out, this is where she pressed to stop the bleeding."
Susan tries to pull here hand away, but I've got her wrist locked.
I got friend who gonna march downtown
Veterans and hippies, wanna fight the man
"This where Viv poured the high grain alcohol she bought on the Black Market, now that's a story. And this is where she started to sew me up. With the benefit of giving any of the illegal booze."
Susan yanked her hand away and leapt to her feet. I could tell, she was done hearing the story, but had to say more."
"Viv was about five minutes away from trying to do a transfusion from me to her, while I sagged against her balcony wall.."
Susan spun and left.
Viv popped out to the patio, while I drank Susan's white wine.
"Susan just lit out of here with some excuse about the kids and a text from the sitter. "
I nodded.
"What we're you to talking about, out here?"
"I was about tell her how we went to that Black Lips concert near Cairo.."
"Did you tell her about your work in Cairo?"
"No one wants to hear about my old day job, Viv. Maybe she's just not a music fan?"
The hangman hates ISIS like you and me
But the hangman he's driven by his duty